Are you putting your customers, employees and intellectual property at risk?

Data: an asset or a liability?

Everyone knows that the data a company holds is an asset. Less well known is that it’s also a potential liability. The global volume of data is doubling every year, and domestic and international laws such as APP and GDPR are imposing and enforcing onerous new responsibilities with implications that cross traditional international borders.


Your duty of care

We all understand that we’re responsible for the integrity of the live data we hold. Less well understood is that this duty of care doesn’t stop when storage devices reach their ‘end of life’. Whether you’re an SME or a public company you have a legal responsibility to ensure all data protected by the law is destroyed and cannot be retrieved or fall into the wrong hands. When you let data out of your site or sight, you could be failing in your duty of care by breaking the chain of custody.

Of course, many organisations have devices wiped so that they can be sold or re-purposed. The problem with wiping/degaussing is that, unlike the fine particles that result from our process, there’s no physical, visible, touchable proof that all the data has been destroyed. And when the stakes are measured in multi-millions of dollars in fines and lost business, are you really prepared take that chance to save a few dollars? Like they say, “Seeing really is believing”.

Bringing destruction to where the data is

Whether you hold data in an on-premise cloud or at an independent data centre you can’t afford to risk letting it out of your control – which is where the Data Destruction Unit comes into its own by bringing 100% risk-free data destruction to your door (or your data centre).

Compared to some alternatives and their inherent, unavoidable risks, there really is no true comparison – especially because we’ll work in partnership with your team or your Reverse Logistics/IT Refresh partners to make the process as efficient and as secure as possible by creating custom arrangements for the collection of devices and the removal of hard drives prior to processing.


Help your employees to destroy their own personal data too!

Why not let us share the benefits of our service with your employees too? Recent research shows up to 64% of Australians don’t recycle their e-waste because they fear personal data loss or compromise – so your people will appreciate the chance to dispose of devices securely and responsibly.

Talk to the Data Destruction team

We’ll be happy to tailor a programme to meet your needs.